
               author = "Alves, Fabio Corr{\^e}a",
                title = "An{\'a}lise morfoestrutural das bacias dos rios Para{\'{\i}}ba 
                         e Mamanguape (PB), com base em MDE-SRTM e imagem PALSAR/ALOS-1",
               school = "Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE)",
                 year = "2015",
              address = "S{\~a}o Jos{\'e} dos Campos",
                month = "2015-04-06",
             keywords = "deforma{\c{c}}{\~a}o tect{\^o}nica, quatern{\'a}rio, 
                         sensoriamento remoto, tectonic deformation, quaternary, remote 
             abstract = "Um n{\'u}mero crescente de publica{\c{c}}{\~o}es tem 
                         demonstrado influ{\^e}ncia de atividades tect{\^o}nicas 
                         cenoz{\'o}icas na regi{\~a}o Nordeste do Brasil, apesar de sua 
                         localiza{\c{c}}{\~a}o na margem passiva da placa Sulamericana. 
                         Influ{\^e}ncia tect{\^o}nica na configura{\c{c}}{\~a}o da 
                         paisagem atual da Bacia Para{\'{\i}}ba tem sido sugerida por 
                         caracter{\'{\i}}sticas morfoestruturais derivadas do relevo e 
                         dos sistemas de drenagem. Por{\'e}m, faltam ainda estudos 
                         detalhados que possam confirmar a presen{\c{c}}a de estruturas 
                         tect{\^o}nicas em v{\'a}rias {\'a}reas dessa bacia. O objetivo 
                         desta pesquisa foi analisar a influ{\^e}ncia tect{\^o}nica no 
                         desenvolvimento das bacias dos rios Para{\'{\i}}ba e Mamanguape 
                         na por{\c{c}}{\~a}o norte da Bacia Para{\'{\i}}ba (PB) a 
                         partir de t{\'e}cnicas e produtos de sensoriamento remoto. Para 
                         isso, utilizou-se an{\'a}lise de bacias de drenagem e das 
                         caracter{\'{\i}}sticas morfoestruturais com base em modelo 
                         digital de eleva{\c{c}}{\~a}o (MDE) adquirido pela 
                         \emph{Shuttle} Radar \emph{Topography Mission} (SRTM), 
                         vari{\'a}veis geomorfom{\'e}tricas derivadas desse produto, 
                         al{\'e}m de imagem de radar multipolarizada do sensor 
                         PALSAR/ALOS-1. Os resultados demostraram que a coer{\^e}ncia 
                         topogr{\'a}fica foi mais eficiente do que o MDE-SRTM na 
                         extra{\c{c}}{\~a}o da rede de drenagem da {\'a}rea de estudo. 
                         Al{\'e}m de auxiliar na extra{\c{c}}{\~a}o de lineamentos 
                         morfoestruturais, esse MDE tamb{\'e}m foi {\'u}til para o 
                         c{\'a}lculo de {\'{\i}}ndices morfom{\'e}tricos, como o fator 
                         de simetria topogr{\'a}fica transversal (FSTT), que foi {\'u}til 
                         para sugerir influ{\^e}ncia tect{\^o}nica em v{\'a}rias 
                         subbacias da {\'a}rea de estudo. Esse {\'{\i}}ndice revelou 
                         rios com alta assimetria, principalmente, aqueles localizados em 
                         {\'a}reas da cobertura sedimentar, al{\'e}m de evidenciar dois 
                         conjuntos de subbacias com padr{\~o}es de basculamentos 
                         diferenciados. A an{\'a}lise conjunta dos elementos 
                         morfoestruturais das bacias de drenagem pesquisadas permitiu 
                         reunir evid{\^e}ncias em suporte a deforma{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         tect{\^o}nicas na {\'a}rea de estudo. Essas se manifestaram no 
                         Quatern{\'a}rio tardio e s{\~a}o devidas a 
                         reativa{\c{c}}{\~o}es de esfor{\c{c}}os distensivos e 
                         compressivos j{\'a} registrados no embasamento cristalino durante 
                         a deposi{\c{c}}{\~a}o sedimentar. Isto ficou evidenciado pela 
                         boa correspond{\^e}ncia dos lineamentos morfoestruturais da 
                         cobertura sedimentar com aquelas do embasamento cristalino 
                         pr{\'e}-cambriano. Al{\'e}m desses resultados, o presente 
                         trabalho tamb{\'e}m contribuiu para a caracteriza{\c{c}}{\~a}o 
                         morfol{\'o}gica de dep{\'o}sitos residuais de um prov{\'a}vel 
                         delta na desembocadura do rio Para{\'{\i}}ba. 
                         Opera{\c{c}}{\~o}es aritm{\'e}ticas utilizando imagens 
                         PALSAR/ALOS-1 foram essenciais na gera{\c{c}}{\~a}o de um 
                         conjunto de dados que permitiu melhor caracterizar a 
                         fei{\c{c}}{\~a}o deltaica em estudo. T{\'e}cnicas de filtragem 
                         espacial (i.e., filtragem de m{\'e}dia e direcional) permitiram 
                         real{\c{c}}ar essa paleomorfologia, al{\'e}m de possibilitar 
                         discriminar detalhes das morfologias correspondentes a seus 
                         subambientes sedimentares. A morfologia cuspidada e a 
                         presen{\c{c}}a de in{\'u}meras fei{\c{c}}{\~o}es 
                         curvil{\'{\i}}neas atribu{\'{\i}}das a cord{\~o}es 
                         litor{\^a}neos e {\`a} paleolinha de costa, validou a 
                         hip{\'o}tese de que a paleomorfologia investigada corresponde a 
                         dep{\'o}sitos residuais de um paleodelta influenciado por ondas. 
                         A combina{\c{c}}{\~a}o de dados morfol{\'o}gicos e 
                         cronol{\'o}gicos sugere que esse delta tenha sido formado h{\'a} 
                         cerca de 2.140 \$\pm\$ 144 anos, i.e., ap{\'o}s tend{\^e}ncia 
                         de queda do n{\'{\i}}vel do mar no Holoceno m{\'e}dio. No 
                         entanto, a interpreta{\c{c}}{\~a}o obtida com a an{\'a}lise 
                         morfoestrutural levou a propor que sua g{\^e}nese tamb{\'e}m 
                         pode ter sido impulsionada por fator tect{\^o}nico. ABSTRACT: An 
                         increasing number of publications have shown the influence of 
                         Cenozoic tectonic activities in northeastern Brazil, despite its 
                         localization in a passive margin of the Sulamerican plate. 
                         Tectonic influence in the current landscape configuration of the 
                         Para{\'{\i}}ba Basin has been suggested by morphostructural 
                         characteristics derived from relief and drainage systems. However, 
                         detailed studies to confirm the presence of tectonic structures in 
                         various areas in this basin are lacking. The goal of this work was 
                         to analyze the tectonic influence in the development of the 
                         Para{\'{\i}}ba and Mamanguape river basins, northern of 
                         Para{\'{\i}}ba Basin (PB), from techniques and remote sensing 
                         products. The research was undertaken through the analysis of 
                         drainage basin and of morphostructural characteristics based on 
                         digital elevation model (DEM) acquired by the Shuttle Radar 
                         Topography Mission (SRTM), geomorphometric variables derived from 
                         this product, and multi-polarized radar image from the 
                         PALSAR/ALOS-1 sensor. The results showed that the topographic 
                         coherence was more efficient than the DEM-SRTM to extract the 
                         drainage network of the study area. In addition to help the 
                         extraction of morphostructural lineaments, the DEM-SRTM was also 
                         useful for the calculation of morphometric indices, such as the 
                         Transverse Topographic Symmetry Factor (TTSF), which was useful to 
                         suggest tectonic influence in various sub-basins of the study 
                         area. This index revealed rivers with high asymmetry which mainly 
                         include those located in areas with sedimentary cover, in addition 
                         to highlight two sets of sub-basins with different tilting 
                         patterns. The integrated analysis of morphostructural elements of 
                         the analyzed drainage basins allowed provide evidence to support 
                         tectonic deformation in study area. This was manifested in the 
                         late Quaternary and is due to the reactivation of extensional and 
                         compressive efforts already recorded in the crystalline basement 
                         during sedimentary deposition. This was evidenced by the good 
                         correspondence between the morphostructural lineaments from the 
                         areas with sedimentary cover and those from the Precambrian 
                         crystalline basement. In addition to these results, the present 
                         work also contributed to the morphological characterization of 
                         residual deposits related to a delta located at the 
                         Para{\'{\i}}ba Riverīs mouth. Arithmetic operations using 
                         PALSAR/ALOS-1 images were essential for generating a data set that 
                         allowed the best characterization of the studied deltaic feature. 
                         Spatial filtering techniques (i.e., mean and directional 
                         filtering) allowed highlight this paleomorphology, in addition to 
                         help discriminating details of morphologies corresponding to its 
                         sedimentary sub-environments. The cuspate morphology and the 
                         presence of curvilinear features attributed to beach ridges and 
                         paleoshoreline validated the hypothesis that the investigated 
                         paleomorphology corresponds to residual deposits of a 
                         wave-influenced paleodelta. The combination of morphological and 
                         chronological data suggest that this delta was formed during the 
                         past 2.140 \$\pm\$ 144 years, i.e., after the mid-Holocene 
                         sea-level fall. However, the interpretation obtained from the 
                         morphostructural analysis led to propose that its genesis might 
                         have also been driven by tectonic factor.",
            committee = "Rossetti, Dilce de F{\'a}tima (presidente/orientadora) and 
                         Santos, Jo{\~a}o Roberto dos and Valeriano, M{\'a}rcio de 
                         Morisson and Bezerra, Francisco Hil{\'a}rio Rego",
           copyholder = "SID/SCD",
         englishtitle = "Morphostructural analysis of the Para{\'{\i}}ba and Mamanguape 
                         river basins (PB), based on DEM-SRTM and PALSAR/ALOS-1",
             language = "pt",
                pages = "179",
                  ibi = "8JMKD3MGP7W/3J3BGME",
                  url = "http://urlib.net/ibi/8JMKD3MGP7W/3J3BGME",
           targetfile = "publicacao.pdf",
        urlaccessdate = "28 abr. 2024"
